Strengthening Australian engagement with the heritage sector in Taiwan
With the generous support of the Australia China Council, The Chinese University of Technology, Taipei and the National Quemoy University, Kinmen County, Taiwan, AusHeritage held a series of meetings in Taiwan in the second half of September 2012. AusHeritage was represented by a team of five including Peter Romey, Partner, Godden Mackay Logan, Mary Knaggs, Senior Heritage Architect, NSW Government Architect’s Office, Department of Finance and Services, NSW Government, Geoff Bailey, Executive Director, Sydney Harbour Federation Trust and Ian Cook, 3CS AsiaPacific together with Heather Mansell who has recently joined 3CS AsiaPacific and who participated as an observer. The development of the successful Australia-China Council Grant proposal as well as management of the project was undertaken by Bruce Pettman, Principal Heritage Architect, NSW Government Architect’s Office in association with Mary Knaggs.

Part of the Qiong Lin historic village (IanCook)
AusHeritage’s chief Taiwanese program partners included Dr. Alex Ya-Ning Yen, Associate Professor with the Graduate School of Architecture, China University of Technology, Taipei and Dr. Jayson Ng Sin-Eng and Dr. Yi-Jen Tseng, both Assistant Professors, Department of Architecture, National Quemoy University, Kinmen County, Taiwan.

Signing the Memorandum of Understanding (Heather Mansell)
Highlights of the program included:
• A public lecture for students, academics and public sector
representatives of Kinmen County at National Quemoy
• A two-day workshop and dialogue that expanded on the
themes of the public lecture program.
• A variety of meetings with Kinmen County Government
• Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with AusHeritage’s
Deputy Chair Ian Cook and the Vice President of China
University of Technology (CUTe) and Associate Professor Alex
Ya-Ning Yen.

Mapping teams conferring after a tour of Qiong Lin village (Heather Mansell)
For further information on the outcomes of the workshop, refer to