The University of Melbourne is hosting a free public webinar on innovation in conservation materials, research and practice in Southeast Asia.
This webinar invites conservators and cultural practitioners from Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines to share their experiences working in conservation. It will focus on regional conservation solutions related to material research and availability, climates, and cultural knowledge, and considers similarities and differences between approaches. In the tropics, how can regional approaches be shared to inform collection care and communities of practice, and what can we learn from each other?
Join Associate Professor Nicole Tse (Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation), Associate Professor Maria Bernardita Maronilla-Reyes, University of Santo Tomas (UST), Manila, Musrizal Mat Isa, and Mohamad Habibi (Indonesian Heritage Agency).
Registration link:
Wednesday, 21 August – 10.00–11.30 Jakarta / 13.00–14.30 Melbourne
This project is supported by a University of Melbourne Asia Initiative Grant