AusHeritage Members present lectures in Taipai – 19 June 2014

On the evening of June 19, 2014 over fifty people came to the Institute for Historical Resources Management Centre in the historic DaDaocheng District of Taipei City to hear from two AusHeritage members, Helen Lochhead and Bruce Pettman from the NSW Government Architect’s Office who presented lectures on Australian experiences related to development control plans (DCPs) and heritage impact assessments (HIAs). The evening seminar also included a presentation by a representative from the Department of Urban Development, Taipei City Government who spoke on the performance of the DaDaocheng TDR (transferable development rights) regulations over the last 20 years and the associated positive impacts on the heritage precinct. The regulations are currently being reviewed.

The AusHeritage team considers responses from seminar discussants Professor Alex Yen and Dr. Lin via an interpreter (Photo Ian Cook)

Professor Alex Yen, China University of Technology and Dr Jesse Lin, Director of the Urban Regeneration Office provided lively commentary on the AusHeritage presentations as well as during the Q & A session that followed. Helen and Bruce were joined by Nina Pollock from GML Heritage for the Q & A segment.

The evening was a great success and the lively Q&A session was ably moderated by Alice Chieu, the CEO of the Historical Resources Management Institute. AusHeritage greatly looks forward to similar activities in the future with the Institute.

Dried goods and spices on sale in Dihua Street (Photo: Nona Pollock)

The AusHeritage team had the opportunity to first visit a new restoration project completed by the HRM Institute near the old Red Theatre in the centre of the city and then to walk along the heritage significant Dihua Street in the core of the DaDaocheng District where dried goods and spices of many types were once transported by barges and are still sold in the shop houses side by side along that street. This specific trade has been occurring in the street for more than 150 years.

Typical eclectic shophouse architecture on Dihua Street (Photo: Helen Lockhead)

Repair, restoration and revitalisation of the area as well as the DCP, has enabled a continuing lively market area without intrusive major development. Dihua Street is certainly worth a visit both for its eclectic architecture and also vibrant living culture.

Early evening on Dihua Street, Taipei (Photo Nina Pollock).