On Friday, 27 June 2003, AusHeritage in association with Austrade held a half-day seminar at the New South Wales Department of State and Regional Development, Grosvenor Place, Sydney, on the exporting potential of Australia’s cultural heritage services. It presented a dynamic environment for AusHeritage members currently working in cultural heritage management in neighbouring regions to meet with industry representatives engaged in project tendering and implementation. A panel of experts from government, industry and the cultural heritage professions highlighted:
* Key issues for regional exporters
* Challenges in the current political and economic climate
* Support mechanisms and tools for engagement
* Australia’s forward strategies for international export activities.
The seminar speakers included:
* Janine Ricketts, Executive Director, Small Business Development, NSW Department of State and Regional Development
* Vinod Daniel, Head, Research Centre for Materials Conservation and the Built Environment & Chairman, AusHeritage
* Frank Walsh, NSW/ACT Manager, Austrade
* Tom Harley, Chairman, Australian Heritage Commission
* John Bilmnon, Managing Director, PTW Architects (formerly Peddle Thorp and Walker)
* Robert Simpson, Executive Director, Coffey International Ltd
* Paul Bourke, Austrade
* Julian Bickersteth, Managing Director, International Conservation Services
* Graeme Wiffen, Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, Macquarie University
* Bruce Pettman, Principal Heritage Architect, Heritage Design Services, NSW Department of Commerce.