Building Strong Culture through Conservation
Long standing and key AusHeritage member, CCMC at the University of Melbourne is hosting the prestigious ICOM-CC 17th Triennial International Conference in Melbourne from 15-19 September 2014.
University of Melbourne quadrangle building
The Conference will focus on how conservation can help build strong culture for the benefit of society. By preserving cultural materials essential to the continuation of collective memory, conservation can help rebuild communities which have been damaged through war, natural disaster, or displacement, as well as supporting a sense of identity within thriving communities. The conference will explore how cross-cultural partnerships, new technologies, knowledge transmission, effective advocacy, and local cultural centres can contribute to the building of strong culture through conservation. Further, the conference will investigate strategies to address conservation needs in post-trauma recovery, regional communities, and communities whose identity is not dominant within a broader culture.
For further information, visit the conference website at