Conserving Living Culture Symposium – Dec 2002

AusHeritage held the Conserving Living Culture Symposium in Adelaide at the Adelaide University Union Building, Adelaide University, North Terrace on 6 December, 2002. The symposium brought together a diverse range of experts to explore ways of conserving living cultural heritage. It examined existing approaches for conserving tangible heritage such as built heritage, sites and artifacts and intangible heritage such as music, dance and language and explored the potential for developing an integrated approach. The day’s program was as follows:

* Vinod Daniel (Head, Research Centre for Materials Conservation and the Built Environment, Australian Museum, Sydney & Chairman, AusHeritage), Introduction
* Hon. Alexander Downer (Minister for Foreign Affairs), Opening Address
* Professor David Throsby (Macquarie University), Keynote Address
* Assessing Significance in the Context of Living Cultural Heritage
* Keith Fernandez (Assistant Director, Artlab Australia, Adelaide & Director, AusHeritage)
* Ron Danvers (Heritage Architect and Urban Planner, Danvers Architects, Adelaide)
* Bruce Pettman (Principal Heritage Architect, New South Wales Department of Public Works and Services, Sydney & Director, AusHeritage)
* Dr Barry Craig (Anthropologist, South Australia Museum, Adelaide)
* Methodologies for Conserving Intangible Heritage
* Ribnga Green (Manager, Living Kuarna Cultural Centre, Adelaide)
* Dr Michelle Potter (Curator of Dance, National Library of Australia, Canberra)
* Steven Knopoff (Ethnomusicologist, Elder School of Music, University of Adelaide)
* Anna Roache (Anna Roache and Associates, Sydney & Director, AusHeritage)
* Can the Burra Charter Principles Be Applied to Intangible Cultural Heritage?
* Dr Anita Smith (Research Fellow/Lecturer, Deakin University, Melbourne)
* (Panel Session with audience participation)

AusHeritage gratefully acknowledges the symposium sponsorship of Arts SA, Artlab Australia and SACON International.